Pie Charts

tart sThis week’s creative writing prompt/challenge is taking us to just one of the seven deadly sins: gluttony.

Of course, I’ve no personal experience of this kind of depravity, but I’m a writer with a good imagination (and by the way, writers don’t lie, they create fiction).

Your task is to create a poem (40 lines max) or a piece of flash fiction (300 words max) with gluttony as its focus.

Is being greedy your character’s habit or lifestyle choice, or is it a one-off happening? What becomes of them because of the gluttony? Could it have life-changing, even fatal, consequences?

As ever, ask yourself how, what, where, why, when, as you construct your poem or fiction. Humour might come in to play here – or not, your choice.

Where I live, it is apple season, and I can often be found baking apple pies. Of course, I never eat them myself. Or do I?red apples s

Have a bit of fun with the gluttony topic, and come back next week for another creative writing prompt/exercise to challenge you to write some more new material. As always, posts go live here every Wednesday at 5pm (Dublin time) and you can subscribe (for free!) to receive email notifications.